
Invisalign® offers an almost invisible tooth aligning system that straightens teeth and contains no metal.

Invisalign® treatment consists of a series of custom-made aligning trays.  The dentist changes the trays every few weeks to fit the new tooth configuration.  A great number of people report complete satisfaction with both the Invisalign® treatment and the stunning results.

What kind of bite problems can Invisalign® correct?

Invisalign® corrects the same dental problems as traditional metal braces; the only difference is that Invisalign® trays are almost invisible to the naked eye, and can be removed at will.

Here are some problems that can be corrected with Invisalign®:

  • Crowding – This occurs when there is too little space for the teeth to align normally in the mouth.  Crowding can increase risk of tooth decay and increase the likelihood of gum disease.
  • Spaces between teeth
  • Crossbite – This common dental problem occurs when one or multiple upper teeth bite inside the lower teeth.  
  • Overbite – This problem occurs when the upper teeth project further than, or completely cover, the lower teeth.  
  • Underbite – This is the inverse of the overbite; the lower teeth project further than, or completely cover, the upper teeth.   

Can all orthodontic problems be treated with Invisalign?

Every patient's orthodontic needs are unique and not every patient is a candidate for Invisalign.

Children under age 18 and patients requiring extensive orthodontic treatment may still be candidates for Invisalign or another type of clear aligners. However, these patients will be referred to an orthodontist (a specialist in tooth movement, clear aligners, and braces) for evaluation and treatment for the best comprehensive result! 

What are some considerations when wearing Invisalign® trays?

Life with Invisalign® aligning trays may take several weeks to get used to.  The trays should be worn constantly, except when eating, drinking, and brushing.  It is important to remove the trays when consuming food or drink because food can become trapped between the tray and the teeth, causing tooth decay.

Usually, new trays are necessary every one to two weeks, and progress between appointments can be seen with the naked eye. 

If you have questions about Invisalign®, please contact our office.
